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Catégorie : Network

A cartography of the eDNA community on Twitter

A cartography of the eDNA community on Twitter

I recently published on Twitter the result of some experiments to represent the community of users working on the topic of environmental DNA and metabarcoding. These tweets were quite successful, so I’m writing this quick post to keep a trace of them, and expand a bit the story behind. I had been thinking for some time now about using Twitter data to model this community, probably inspired by projects I saw here and there, and by all the interactions I…

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Exploring the CRAN social network

Exploring the CRAN social network

A few months ago, I published a post where I was trying to map the dependencies relationships between R packages. Today I want to do something similar with package contributors. My idea is to reconstruct a social graph where each node would be a person (presumably a developer), and two persons would be connected by an edge if they have collaborated on the same package. Thus I would be able to explore the CRAN social network! This post is also…

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