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Catégorie : Sciences

A cartography of the eDNA community on Twitter

A cartography of the eDNA community on Twitter

I recently published on Twitter the result of some experiments to represent the community of users working on the topic of environmental DNA and metabarcoding. These tweets were quite successful, so I’m writing this quick post to keep a trace of them, and expand a bit the story behind. I had been thinking for some time now about using Twitter data to model this community, probably inspired by projects I saw here and there, and by all the interactions I…

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A 3D tour over Lake Geneva with rayshader

A 3D tour over Lake Geneva with rayshader

If you follow the #rstats news on Twitter, you have most likely seen the impressive 3D maps produced with Tyler Morgan-Wall’s rayshader package. I’ve been wanting to try it for a long time and I finally found the time to do it last week. As a limnologist living on the shores of Lake Geneva, I didn’t hesitate for long about the location of my first map, which, in the excitement of the moment, I immediately published on twitter. Finally I…

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Rummaging through dusty books: Maucha diagrams in R

Rummaging through dusty books: Maucha diagrams in R

Do you know the Maucha diagram? If you are not an Hungarian limnologist, probably not! This diagram was proposed by Rezso Maucha in 1932 as a way to vizualise the relative ionic composition of water samples. However, as far I know this diagram had few success in the community. I never heard about it until my coworker Kalman (who is also Hungarian) asked me if I knew how to plot it in R. First, I have to admit I was…

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